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Feb 4, 2021
For the last decade, DaVita has been reimagining how the health care industry builds dialysis centers.
In April 2019, DaVita committed to a goal of being 100% powered by renewable energy by 2022.
Dec 11, 2020
DaVita IKC’s patient-centered approach helps the organization achieve the Triple Aim—to improve the patient experience of care, improve the health of populations, and to reduce the per capita cost of health care. This has led DaVita IKC to this top performer recognition as an NCQA-accredited provider.
Artificial intelligence and predictive analytics are being scaled to segment patients into several different areas, including risk for CKD progression and eventual need for dialysis. These models are used to develop effective and efficient integrated care delivery systems. Incorporating this technology into care delivery will be essential to helping reduce CKD rates and slow disease progression.
Mar 14, 2020
There is a shift to move all sectors of health care away from traditional fee-for-service models that pay clinicians based on the number of patients seen or procedures performed to value-based care.